STEFFEN W SCHMIDT Lucken Professor of Political Science Emeritus
My textbook American Government and Politics Today latest. 20th edition.
Picture Gallery
Were the Iowa first in the nation caucuses the best way to start the presidential campaign season every four years?
Share your ideas with me

Speaking Engagements for 2022-2023
"Schmidt was the best speaker we had at our annual conference." Community Banking annual meeting.
"Entertaining and very informative. We will book him for next year." Credit Union Federation.
Prof. Schmidt will be available for a limited number of speaking engagements on two main topics:
Election 2022-2024 - The Politics of Disruption and the Future of US Politics and the Economy.
The Challenges of Cyber Security and Cyber Disruption.
High Resolution downloadable images for use in programs. >>>>>
The Politics of Disruption. The 2022-24 Elections and the US Economy
One of the most intensely watched development spinning off from the election of Donald Trump and the GOP majority in the House and Senate is the economy.
Will there be a real trade war with China?
Will across the board deregulation free up especially the financial sector (community banks and credit unions)?
Can the US manufacturing sector be jump started and more jobs created at home?
Will the international environment stabilize or crash especially relations with Russia?
How will immigration reform be handled?
Can the nasty divide between GOP and Democrats, Conservatives and liberals be healed?
THE political questions: In a country deeply divided for years and becoming more intensely polarized how can American come together again?
Click on the button >>>>>>
This was a neat electoral map of the United States on which YOU could give electoral votes to the Republican or Democratic 2016 candidates. You students would like to "play" this in class with you and along the way you can explain why Iowa is "purple", Nebraska is Red and Vermont is BRIGHT BLUE.
Some Video Interviews:
My Keynote- Iowa Hospital Assn.
2019 Pres debates podcast
2017 Election on CTV
Schmidt Bill Maher warmup
Dr. Politics & Iowa Caucuses: Indiana Jones?
Cavuto on Fox.
Jimmy Who?
CTV - Canada
Channel 5 Politics News
At the Clinton School of Public Service
Neil Cavuto Fox Ted Cruz?!
Univision Politica Live Facebook stream
Jobs for Professors
There is always another opportunity.

Election 2020 Game
Our Graduates Rank High Among Job Recruiters
Iowa has a reputation. Very high social engagement. Hard working students. Reliable. That helps our students get excellent job placement.
The Iowa Caucuses are THE icon of Iowa visibility.
The "First in the Nation Caucuses" for Presidential preference gave Iowa political scientists and students at Iowa colleges and universities a unique and high profile national and international visibility.
I developed a free online course - here is the introduction.
Iowa Caucuses MOOC, Iowa State University- This had over 3,000 enrolled from all over the world.
Then in 2020 the Democrats created a stupid, unworkable, complicated process and added a crappy app. The caucuses crashed and Iowa became the metaphor for incompetent. Horrible! Sad!